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10 Reasons to Choose Us!

612 273 Castaneda Orthodontics

We put you first! It’s not about us. It’s about you. We want the best for our patients and strive to prioritize your well-being.  A board-certified orthodontist will treat you. Unfortunately, only 6% of dentists are orthodontists, and only 1 of 3 are Board certified, demonstrating orthodontic knowledge, clinical skills, and judgment. We believe that…

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¿necesita tratamiento de ortodoncia mis niños?

150 150 Castaneda Orthodontics

¡Atención padres! Lo primero y más importante que debe recordar es que cada niño es diferente, por lo que es esencial asegurarse de que sus hijos visiten al dentista regularmente para controlar su desarrollo dental y detectar cualquier problema en la boca a tiempo. Muchos problemas afectan la salud bucal de los niños, como caries,…

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Does my child need orthodontic treatment?

Castaneda Orthodontics

Hello parents! The first and most important thing to remember is that every child is different, which is why it’s essential to ensure your children visit the dentist regularly to check on their development and pick up any problems in the mouth early. Many problems affect children’s oral health, including tooth decay, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, lip…

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Antes y después de los tratamientos

150 150 Castaneda Orthodontics

Antes y después de los tratamientos ¿Cuándo necesitas servicios de ortodoncia? Tratamiento oportuno Siguiendo las pautas de la Junta Estadounidense de Ortodoncia, alentamos a los padres a programar el examen inicial de su hijo a los 7 años para identificar a los niños que necesitan atención temprana e interceptiva. De esta manera, podemos ocuparnos de…

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Before and After Treatments

150 150 Castaneda Orthodontics

Before and After Treatments When do you need orthodontics services? Timely Treatment Following the American Board of Orthodontics’ guidelines, we encourage parents to schedule their child’s initial exam at age 7 to identify children who need early, interceptive care. This way, we can take care of any orthodontic issues before they become more significant problems.…

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